Pictures of the LAN on 2 and 3 february 2002(click for large version)

Setting up the room.
Setting up the room.

2 cars for transporting the load of equipment.
2 cars for transporting the load of equipment.

A jacket on the table :-).
A jacket on the table :-).

The stairs which we had to face for carrying our stuff up to the room.
The stairs which we had to face for carrying our stuff up to the room.

One of the organisors.
One of the organisors.

The first bunch of gamers.
The first bunch of gamers.

Still gaming... during the night.
Still gaming... during the night.

Still gaming... already early morning.
Still gaming... already early morning.

Another group of gamers.
Another group of gamers.

Another group of gamers.
Another group of gamers.

Another group of gamers.
Kill! Kill! Kill!...

Another group of gamers.
Gamers gamers everywhere :)

Another group of gamers.
The last gamer ;-).

A guy with a question for the organisors.
A guy with a question for the organisors.

Nutfreak explaining stuff.
Nutfreak explaining stuff. Tantrum working himself up in the stats.