Here is info about the time and place of the event.

Where ? :

In the "CIAMBERLANIDREEF" in Beveren. ( "polyzaal" Gildenhuis to be more exact. )
The exact streetnumber of the building is not important, just look into the street on your right for a big parking lot (to the north) en next to that is the place to be. :)
Quite easy too : just drop off your stuff at the door and you can park your car a few meters on the parking lot. (íf there is room.)

How do I get there ? :
Here you find a downloadable and printable guide to get you to the LAN-party p(a)lace. The high detailed maps, included in the document, can be copied to your favorite drawing program and zoomed to provide more information.

Next are a few simple maps to show you the way:

Big roadmap
And zoomed again

When ? :

I expect most people to be at the site at 10:00 AM, on february 2nd 2002.
Those people who bring the server, should come a little bit earlier.
The organisers will be there at around 9 AM.